
Shaun Garrett

Shaun Garrett

principal of business dev.

Shaun Garrett brings many years of experience in marketing and business development. As a former business owner and entrepreneur, he founded in 1996, an inbound/outbound call center for the mortgage banking industry. 

While at LeadBay, he perfected a lead generation platform that dispersed qualified consumer leads via the internet nationwide. LeadBay became the 3rd largest call center in the United States before being acquired in 2003. In 2005 Shaun joined KTGY Group architecture and planning firm, assisting with national recruiting before joining forces with Craig Chinn and KTGY’s retail division. Chinn and Garrett perfected a direct marketing approach for retail surpassing the competition and taking the KTGY retail division to record volume in revenue in just 4 years.

“I truly feel the telephony and direct marketing applications we use at Architecture Design Collaborative ultimately bring us closer to our clients, thus making them feel like they came to the right place the first time,” says Garrett.

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