Are you a creative person looking for a fulfilling career that allows you to do work you’re passionate about? Architecture, in many ways, is one of the most creative fields on the planet. As an architect, you find inspiration, conceive and create a vision, and make your vision into a reality! Few other industries offer the chance to work this kind of magic, and when you become an architect, there are seemingly endless creative opportunities in architecture.
Since 2014, Architecture Design Collaborative (ADC) has been a nationally ranked architecture and design company serving Southern California with innovative designs. Learn about the creative opportunities you will have as an architect at ADC!
What Are the Most Creative Opportunities in Architecture?
Creativity, like the buildings you will design, comes in all shapes and sizes in architecture. As a field, architecture is characterized by individual creativity. Because of this, nearly every project has creative opportunities.
From the initial designs to construction, architects are always thinking of out-of-the-box solutions to problems. You must balance functional needs with innovative and engaging designs that speak to the people who will inhabit them.
Retail, for example, can be incredibly dynamic because it’s constantly changing. Just as importantly, you are creating physical spaces for people to go and experience, engage with, and spend time with their families and friends in, so the space needs to resonate.
Connecting with people through design is at the heart of creativity in architecture. Chris Weimholt, a Senior Principal at ADC, elaborated on the creative nature of architecture.
“Architecture is so fulfilling for creative people because you are constantly figuring out different ways of putting different building blocks of a project. And every project requires a different approach. I love creating a new unit type. I love getting into the function of a space versus the form. I think if you’re interested in finding creative opportunities in architecture, ADC is the right firm for you because there are new opportunities every day in all phases of a project.”
– Chris Weimholt, Senior Principal, ADC
Even something that may seem mundane on the surface can require a creative approach. For example, zoning research isn’t the sexiest aspect of architecture, but sometimes you need to take an out-of-the-box approach and find the right laws to be able to break ground.
In architecture, it truly doesn’t matter what area you’re working in. Whether it’s commercial, industrial, or even residential, you will always have to approach a project with a fresh perspective and a desire to innovate. Let’s examine an example from our portfolio.
An Example of Creative Opportunities in Architecture at ADC
To understand how the creative instincts of architects drive great designs, let’s look at the Anton NOMA, an apartment complex we designed and constructed.
This project involved constructing a structure that included 135 units, a 5 over 2 podium, 10,000 square feet of retail, and 136 units to the acre. As a high-density mixed-use type-v six-story building, this project presented unique challenges we overcame.
“The Anton NOMA is easily the best-looking building we’ve designed. We poured thought and care into each unit, and I think it shows. But one thing that stands out as an interesting creative hurdle was the land. We built this complex on an irregularly shaped 1-acre site and achieved over 136 units to the acre. And because we combined 11% very-low-income units, we increased the density by 35%, which is a shining example of how creativity in the design can be both aesthetically pleasing and make a meaningful impact in people’s lives.”
– Chris Weimholt, Senior Principal, ADC
Looking for a Firm that Offers the Most Creative Opportunities in Architecture? View Architectural Designer Jobs at ADC!
Architecture is an inherently creative field, and you deserve to work at a firm that allows you to be as creative as you’ve always dreamed of being. At ADC, we’re not another stuffy architecture design firm. We are a hub of innovation and offer endless creative opportunities in architecture.
If you are ready to work with like-minded individuals and in an environment where you are free to let your creativity blossom, explore open architect jobs at ADC!